I'm Sayda, a licensed public school teacher, Teach for America service member, and public education advocate.

I was born and raised in the South Bronx, NY to a Mexican father and a Honduran mother. I grew up listening to huapangos from Veracruz while helping my abuelita sell tamales at the local church. I'd devour a plate of baleadas with my mom before helping her clean houses for rich families in Manhattan.

One summer, when I was 8 years old and helping my grandmother clean the vacation home of a wealthy family in Pennsylvania, I had been excited that our room had a secret staircase leading to and from the dining room. It was only until the child of the family, who was close to me in age, told me that it was the servants' entrance that I realized how he and others saw me: as "the help." In that moment, I made a commitment to never let anyone make me feel inferior again, and I knew the only way to do that was through education.

When my neighborhood school was no longer safe or sufficiently challenging, my mother made the choice to enroll me in a charter school called KIPP Academy. We would make the 2-hour round-trip journey every day through snow, heat, and rain because she and I believed in the value of an excellent education for my future.

I am so proud and humbled to say that my family's sacrifices paid off and that through my hard work and support from incredible people along the way, I have been able to accomplish my goals. For over 9 years, I have dedicated myself to improving academic and life outcomes for students and their families. I am committed to ensuring that every child, no matter their background or life circumstance, has access to the same high-quality, affirming educational opportunities that I had, and that means investing in our public schools.

I live down the street from Harmony Elementary, and I want to make sure that ECISD schools are prepared and equipped to provide my son and our neighbors with the best educational experience possible. As a mom, licensed public school teacher, and public education advocate, I am ready to take on the role and responsibility of representing my district as East Central ISD trustee. So will you join me in proving what is possible? Elect me and together we will keep ECISD moving forward!

Carte de la Mama de Sayda
(Letter from Sayda's Mom)

¿Qué puedo decir sobre mi hija Sayda? Por una parte, ella siempre ha sido una excelente estudiante y siempre le ha encantado leer y aprender. Recuerdo que tenía libros por todas partes de la casa: un libro junto a su cama, un libro en la mesa, incluso un libro en el baño.

Recuerdo una vez, cuando ella tenía 8 años, que la encontré sentada en un pequeño escritorio que le había comprado en una pulga. La vi con todas sus pequeñas muñecas Barbie y peluches a su alrededor mientras les leía y hablaba con ellos. Le pregunté qué estaba haciendo y me dijo: “Mami, les estoy enseñando porque voy a ser maestra cuando sea grande”. Solo recuerdo haberle dicho: "Oh, que bueno, cariño", pero en mi cabeza pensé: "Eso es lindo, pero probablemente cambiará de opinión".

14 años después, Sayda enseñaba inglés de noveno grado a estudiantes que necesitan mayor apoyo y orientación. Ella volvía a casa y me contaba historias de estudiantes que la maldecían e incluso le tiraban muebles, y yo le decía que tenía que dejar su trabajo porque era demasiado peligroso. Ella me decía: “No mami, no dejaré a mis alumnos. Estos estudiantes se comportan de esta manera porque necesitan ayuda y recursos y todos los demás se han rendido con ellos. No seré parte del problema, voy a ser parte de la solución”. Y ella se mantuvo fiel a su palabra. Han pasado 9 años desde que comenzó su carrera y desde entonces no se ha rendido.

Sayda nunca deja de sorprenderme por lo mucho que realmente se preocupa por sus alumnos y por marcar una diferencia en sus vidas y de sus familias Ella tiene esperanzas pero también es fuerte. Cuando se propone algo, no hay nada que pueda detenerla. Estoy muy orgullosa de la mujer que es hoy y de la madre que es para su hijo.

Si Sayda fuera elegida, no tengo ninguna duda de que cumplirá sus promesas y liderará con transparencia y valentía. Ella se dedicará completamente al trabajo y hará todo lo que esté a su alcance para que el distrito sea lo mejor posible.

English Translation:

What can I say about Sayda? For one thing, she’s always been an excellent student and has always loved reading and learning. I remember how she’d have books everywhere around the house: a book by her bed, a book at the table, even a book in the bathroom. 

I remember one time when she was 8 years old, I found her sitting at this little desk I had bought for her at a flea market. Anyway, I found her with all her little Barbie dolls and stuffed animals around her as she was reading to them and talking to them. I walked by and asked her what she was doing and she said, “Mami, I’m teaching them because I’m going to be a teacher when I grow up.” I just remember telling her, “Oh, that’s nice sweetheart,” but as I walked away I thought, “That’s cute but she’ll probably change her mind.”

14 years later, Sayda was teaching 9th grade English to students who needed the most support and guidance. She would come home and tell me stories about students cursing at her and even throwing furniture, and I would tell her she had to quit her job because that was just too dangerous. She would say to me, “No, mami, I won’t quit on my students. These students are behaving this way because they need help and resources and everyone else has given up on them. I won’t be part of the problem, I want to be part of the solution.” And she stayed true to her word. It’s been 9 years since she first started her career, and she hasn’t given up since. 

Sayda never ceases to amaze me with how much she truly cares about her students and making a difference in their lives and those around them. She is hopeful but she is also tough. When she sets her mind to something, there is nothing that can stop her. I am so proud of the woman she is today and of the mother she is to her son. 

If Sayda were to be elected, I have no doubt that she will keep her promises and lead transparently and courageously. She will dedicate herself completely to the job and do everything in her power to make the district the best that it can be.